Digital Marketing Statistics & Metrics

Generation Z Is More Likely to Spend Time Online Via Mobile Than Millennials, 2018 | GlobalWebIndex

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Gen Z” is the generation that includes teens who are aged <19 years old. They are much more likely to spend their time online using mobile devices more than any other device in contrast with Millennials. This mobile-first mindset affected their other media behaviors. They spend longer than Millennials on music streaming and watching TV.

On the other hand, Generation Z visits about the same number of social platforms/apps as Millennials with an average of 6.5 each month. YouTube, Facebook and Instagram ranked the top of all these apps.

In the USA, Snapchat is more popular among Gen Z than Millennials who prefer Facebook more than any other social media platforms.

Time Spent Online By Generation Z & Millennials 2018 | globalwebindex

Graph Shows the Average Daily Time Spent by Gen Z & Millennials and Their Top Social Media Platforms, 2018


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GlobalWebIndex is a leading market research company headquartered in London that provides digital consumer insights across 44 countries to the world's largest brands, marketing agencies and media organizations. Maintaining a global panel of more than 22 million connected consumers which leverage to create 25,000 data points to profile internet users around the world. Providing a combination of survey and analytics data. Since launching in 2009, GlobalWebIndex has become one of the UK’s fastest-growing data technology companies.

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