Data is a crucial ingredient for maintaining sales and marketing alignment. You need data to monitor progress toward goals, analyze lead quality, and measure marketing ROI. So the first step in creating a marketing organization is establishing a closed-loop reporting system that tracks key marketing and sales metrics.
The main factors for achieving the point of tracking marketing and sales metrics are:
The key to the Smarketing approach is implementing a framework of data-driven tools and practices that help sales and marketing teams work better together.
![How to Create a Sales & Marketing Powerhouse | Elevation Marketing 1 | Digital Marketing Community Sales Plus Marketing equal Smarketing]()
A Figure Shows The Samrketing Criteria.
What should sales share with marketing?
- Contact touches.
- records of email and call attempt.
- Leads status updates.
- Updates on lead status, such as open, in progress, qualified and unqualified.
- Revenue numbers.
- Data on closed deals and the revenue associated with each contract, to calculate marketing effectiveness and ROI.
![How to Create a Sales & Marketing Powerhouse | Elevation Marketing 2 | Digital Marketing Community Qualinty Leads Funnel]()
A Figure Shows The Leads Quality Funnel.
The Table of Content of “How to Create a Sales & Marketing Powerhouse” Guide:
- Setting Up Closed-Loop Reporting.
- How To Define Your Funnel Stages.
- Implement A Service-Level Agreement (SLA).
- A Deep Dive Into Dashboards & Reporting.
- How To Hold Smarketing Meetings.
- Other Smarketing Communication.
- Conclusion & Additional Resources.
Number of Pages: