Technology changes so rapidly that it’s hard to keep up. Every day, a new app, device or platform is piled onto the growing tech stack available to media, marketers, and communicators. Like it or not, future success relies upon the ability to utilize these new tools for analyzing complex data, engaging diverse audiences and measuring the impact of campaigns at every step of the customer journey. The world is heading towards a rapid replacement or complementation of traditional forms of communication with those based on new technologies. Although no one doubts that new technologies play an important role in the contemporary world it is quite difficult to predict the exact pace of growth of technological advances.
A Graph Shows The Primary Drivers For Agencies/Departments to Use Technology, 2019.
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Data was collected through an online survey fielded by the USC Annenberg Center for Public Relations (CPR) and distributed through PR-related email lists and social media groups. The survey was live between January 7, 2019, and February 15, 2019, the sample included in the analyses encompasses 1,563 responses from PR professionals, of which 803 were PR professionals working in agency/consultancy establishments and 760 workings as in-house PR professionals. 65.6% of the PR professionals were from the United States and the remaining 34.4% from other countries.