Video gaming has become increasingly popular. 65% of US households are home to at least one person who plays 3 or more hours of video games a week.
Read the below and keep up with computer and video game trends in 2017:
- 67% of US households own a device that is used to play video games. 97% of them own personal computers, 81% own smartphones, and 61% own wireless devices.
- The average age of US video gamer is 35 years old (37 years for females & 33 years for males).
- 53% of the most frequent gamers play multiplayer games.
- 63% of the most frequent gamers are familiar with VR 1 in 3 of them said they were likely to buy VR in the next year.
- Action (22.5%), shooter (27.5%), role-playing (12.9%), and sports (11.7%) are the best-selling video game super genres in 2016.
- Quality of the graphics (67%) and price (65%) are the top factors influencing decisions of purchasing video games.
- Consumer spent $30.4 billion on the video game industry in 2016.

Data were driven from more than 4,000 American households.
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