Businesses are investing their valuable time and resources into creating compelling content, but their strategy won’t complete without a plan to distribute it.
Below are the highlighted points which show companies methods for achieving their most important content marketing objectives:
- 81% of marketing influencers consider their content marketing and distribution strategy to be successful to some extent.
- 35% rate their strategy as very successful (best-in-class).
- 50% of the respondents identified increasing sales revenue as their most important objective when it comes to the content marketing and distribution strategy.
- For marketing influencers, the most useful measures of content marketing success were lead generation/nurturing (53%) and customer engagement (50%).
- The most effective types of content used by marketing influencers were video motion/graphics (49%), website articles/blogs (47%), social media content (46%) and research reports (44%).
- Nearly two-thirds (63%) of marketing influencers choose search engine marketing as the most effective paid channel used to distribute content.
- 50% think that the social media Ads were the most effective paid channel.

A Chart Shows How Is the Effectiveness of Paid Distribution Changing
Data were driven from 243 marketing influencers and research subscribers through an online questionnaire during the week of June 5, 2017.