Using data and analytics become a critical priority for B2B sales and marketing executives to guide business decisions as 67% of B2B firms listed increasing their use of data and analytics as a critical priority over the next 12 months. But in fact, all surveyed firms face significant challenges in converting their data into actionable insight.
Simply “data activation” is the process of unlocking value from data through the development of insights that inform actions. Read the below points and find out more about B2B data activation priority in 2018:
A Graph Shows How Well B2B Organizations in the US, Canada, the UK & Ireland Are Executing in Areas of Data Activation
Data is based on an online survey of 500 professionals with responsibility for or influence over customer/prospect data strategy or management at organizations with 500-plus employees from the US, Canada, the UK and Ireland. The survey was conducted from February 2018 to March 2018.