90% of small and medium businesses (SMBs) in Australia were connected to the internet in 2017. So, how online SMBs are using the internet:
- 95% of SMBs in Australia use the internet for email, with a quarter of them use email marketing to promote their business.
- 92% use the internet for online banking, 52% use it to place orders for products and services, while 40% do so to take orders for products and services.
- 67% use the internet to find suppliers, while 7 in 10 use it to find info about the market or competitors.
- It worth to be mentioned that, almost half (48%) of SMBs use social media.
![95% of Small & Medium Businesses in Australia Use The Internet for Email, 2017 | Sensis 1 | Digital Marketing Community How Internet Is Used in Australia | Uses of Internet in 2017 | Sensis]()
Infographic Shows Reasons for Using the Internet in Small & Medium Businesses in Australia, 2017