Digital Marketing Guides & Strategies

How to Create Great Visual Experiences Anywhere | Movable Ink

User Experience (UX)

There’s no doubt about it: we’re living in a visual era and humans are visual creatures. Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words.

  • Up to 855 of human’s perception, learning, activities, and cognition are mediated through vision.
  • Humans process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.
  • Blog posts with images see 650% higher engagement than posts without images.
  • People send 1 billion GIFs per day and 5 billion emojis.
  • Every day, people upload 1.8 billion digital photos. They like 4.2 billion Instagram posts.
  • By 2021, videos will make up 82% of all Internet.

In fact, consumers crave those visual experiences at every marketing touchpoint. But not just any visual experiences: consumers expect visuals that are unique and relevant to them across every channel and every moment.

That leaves marketers with a big problem…

Movable Ink launched this eBook helps digital marketers create unique visual experiences at scale across email, web, and display – all while streamlining production and supercharging their existing martech stack.

An Example of the Best Visual Experiences Across Email: How to Create Great Visual Experiences Anywhere: Movable Ink launched this guide helps digital marketers create unique visual experiences at scale across email, web, and display - all while streamlining production and supercharging their existing martech stack

An Example of the Best Visual Experiences Across Email

Download the eBook and Find a Cross-channel Inspiration for:

  • Loyalty
  • Acquisition
  • Re-engagement
  • Replenishment

Related Study: Visualizing Marketing Data With Dashboards Survey Summary Report, 2019

The Table of Content of “How to Create Great Visual Experiences Anywhere” eBook:

  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • CHAPTER 1: Why Visual is the Language that Moves Consumers
    • The Marketer’s False Choice
    • Creating Unique Visual Experiences at Scale
    • Why Choose a Visual Experience Platform
  • CHAPTER 2: Meet Consumers at Every Moment of Engagement
    • Meet Your Loyalty Members at Every Moment of Engagement
    • Wow Your New Customers Throughout the Buying Process
    • Re-engage Your Lapsed Customers with Stand-out Visuals
    • Make it Easy for People to Re-order their Favorite Products
    • Your Checklist for Creating 1:1 Experiences for Email, Web, and Display
    • Meet Your Customers Anywhere with Movable Ink

Number of Pages:

  • 20 Pages


  • Free

Movable Ink

Founded in 2010 and located in New York City, Movable Ink is one of the digital marketing leaders in creating unique, relevant, and compelling visual experiences across email, web, and display at the moment of engagement. More than 600 of the world’s most innovative brands rely on Movable Ink’s visual experience platform in order to deliver consistent experiences for their customers.The company has been included in the Inc. 5000 and Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 for two consecutive years. Movable Ink and its 250 employees serve a global client base from offices in San Francisco, Chicago, and London.

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