Service Hub is one of the most valuable tools that help all marketers, advertisers, retailers, sellers, brands, and businesses turn Customers Into Promoters and Service Into Growth.
Service Hub is also considered to be one of HubSpot software company’s tools, products, and solutions, which are considered to be a great set of tools that focus on several fields in the digital marketing and social media industry, such as CRM. sales, e-commerce, data management, marketing campaigns, and customer experience.
It’s a smart suite of solutions, which enables you to make it easy to manage & connect with customers, making them happier, and keep them longer, in addition to helping you grow your business faster.
In the other side, it should be noted that HubSpot is considered to be one of the largest software companies, which produce a great suite of digital marketing and social media tools, services, and software for all marketers, advertisers, retailers, brands, businesses, and all people who are working in the digital marketing industry.
![Service Hub by HubSpot 2 | Digital Marketing Community Service Hub Features]()
One Of Service Hub Features
- Service Hub gives you modern customer service tools to adapt to today’s empowered customers.
- Understand your customers’ needs, improve their experience, and ultimately exceed their expectations.
- Provide customers with support when they need it, and where they want it.
- Add live chat to your website to interact with customers, meet their expectations, and resolve their issues in real time.
- Improve the efficiency of your service team with tools that boost productivity.
- Help your customers help themselves.
- Grow your business through happier customers.
- Manage 1-to-1 customer communications at scale through a universal, collaborative, inbox that aggregates customer emails, chats, and more — and is accessible to your entire team.
![Service Hub by HubSpot 3 | Digital Marketing Community Service Hub Help Desk Automation]()
Service Hub Help Desk Automation
Services & Features:
- Ticketing
- Custom support form fields
- Live Chat
- Conversational bots
- Team email
- Conversations inbox
- Email templates
- Email & chat to ticket
- Canned snippets
- Reporting dashboards
- Calling
- Meeting scheduling
- Conversation routing
- HubSpot branding removed
- Email sequences
- Phone support
- Customer feedback
- Knowledgebase
- Customer service automation
- Multiple ticket pipelines
- Teams
- 1:1 video creation & hosting
- Salesforce integration
- Multiple currencies
- Custom reporting
- Playbooks
- Calculated properties
- Single sign-on
- Goals
![Service Hub by HubSpot 4 | Digital Marketing Community Service Hub]()
One Of Service Hub Services
- Free – $0
- Starter Starting at $50/month
- Professional Starting at $400/month
- Enterprise Starting at $1,200/month