Digital and Social Media Marketing Tools



Bulk URL Checker Software for Windows and Mac OS.

Search Engine Optimization

HEADMasterSEO is considered to be one of the most effective and insightful search engine optimization tools and software, which offer a great suite of features and solutions for all marketers, SEO specialists, brands, businesses, and all people who are interested in Search marketing, search engine marketing, and search engine optimization.

HEADMasterSEO is also considered a smart tool that Bulks URL Checker Software for Windows and Mac OS.

HEADMasterSEO is a bulk URL checker tool that can quickly check status code, redirect details, response time, response headers and HTTP header fields (X-Robots-Tag, Link, Vary). Analyze, filter and sort results in real-time. Export data to CSV. The SEO tool is fast, easy to use and free for checking lists of up to 500 URLs.

URL checker results: HEADMasterSEO screnshot.

URL checker results: HEADMasterSEO screnshot.


  • Blazing fast URL checker:
    The tool can use HEAD requests to fetch only the server headers without the response body for faster speed and lower bandwidth consumption. With up to 200 simultaneous URL requests, HEADMasterSEO can check URLs at the maximum available speed.


  • Check URL lists of any size:
    HEADMasterSEO is a small and light link checker app that is optimized to run fast and use as little memory as possible. The SEO tool can reliably check 2 to 6 million URLs at a time on a modest machine/instance with 4GB to 8GB RAM and up to 30 million links on machines with 32GB.


  • Bulk check URL status and response time:
    Get the URL status code and response time of every link in your URL list. Find dead links (status code – 404 Not Found, 410 Gone), redirects (301, 302, 3XX), server errors (5XX status codes) and slow pages.


  • Bulk check 301 and 302 redirects redirect chains and loops:
    Check details about every URL redirection in your list. Visualize the complete redirect path and follow up to 9 redirects in redirect chains. Filter results to get redirect chains / redirect loops / 301 redirects / 302 redirects / 3XX HTTP status code redirects. Export redirects to CSV report. HEADMasterSEO is the best redirect checker for testing large lists of link redirections.

Services & Features:

  • Import URL lists
  • Request headers / User agents
  • Rewrite URLs
  • Use proxies
  • Use HEAD or GET requests
  • Filter and sort URL results in real time
  • Export data to CSV
  • Save and reload data from URL checks
  • View HTTP headers
  • Audit all links in the HTTP response headers
  • Bulk Check HTTP headers for X-Robots-Tag and Vary fields
  • Check XML sitemaps for errors
  • Test canonical URL redirects setup
  • Test URLs for secure cookies and HSTS header fields


  • BASIC PRO ENTERPRISE Max URL List Size 10,000 links – $49 USD
  • PRO (Max URL List Size 100,000 links) – $99 USD
  • ENTERPRISE (Max URL List Size Unlimited links) – $199 USD

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