The online behavior changes constantly, and the views of both users and non-users adjust as technology emerges, and then thrives, fades away, or morphs in new directions.
The primary focus of this study is the ongoing evolution of digital technology and how internet users and non-users of Americans adapt to these developments, exploring their views, actions, behavior, and opinions. Check the aspects of change on the Internet in the below findings in 2015:
- Using the Internet Raised since 2000, & a statistically insignificant difference from 2014.
- A modestly higher percentage of men than women report that they are internet users until 2015.
- Internet usage increases with income, but the current study shows that three-quarters of respondents with annual incomes of less than $30,000 use the internet.
- The average number of hours spent online reached a new high level: 23.5 H/W (hours per week), which represents 2.5 times the number reported in 2000.
- The average H/W online from home had stabilized in 2012 and 2013 but jumped by 2 H/W in 2014 and by another hour in the current survey – now 17.2 hours, Internet usage at home in 2015 is nearly six times the number of hours reported in 2000.
- 86 % of Internet users said they check their email at least daily (once or several times a day).
- 66 % go online at least weekly for fact-finding, and 49% for looking up for a word definition.
- 83% of users report going online at least weekly (defined as several times a day, daily, or weekly) to generally browse the web, and 71% do so to visit social networking sites.
- Employers online hours at work increased to reaches -an average- 13.5 H/W which is the highest level reported to date.
- 60% of users said their productivity has improved somewhat or a lot because of the Internet.
- The ages rate of users who say that their productivity has improved because of the Internet increases as age increases – perhaps as a result of younger respondents not having the experience of working without digital technology, and thus having no basis for comparison.
- 83% of the ages who go online through a mobile phone continue to grow, approaching the same percentage raising as computers.

A Graph Shows The Kinds or Products Purchased From The Internet.