COVID-19 pandemic impact has affected all industries and undoubtedly taken its toll on all of them. Of course, businesses have been forced to adapt to the ongoing changing circumstances on the go, blindsided.
This pandemic impact report evaluates COVID-19’s impact besides adaption to the “new normal”, in light of this matter, SEMrush has gathered market data on several industries. Without further ado, let’s get through the report.
It is obvious that at the start of the COVID-19 crisis, we saw some amazing online shopping demand spikes; the following chart shows the “buy online” searches in all regions from March 20 to October 19
According to the pandemic impact report and due to WFH and stay-at-home measures, the three product categories showing the highest traffic growth rates are home and garden, comes next is food and groceries, finally, sport and outdoors, with a 40-50% increase in demand YoY.
The following chart shows the fastest growing eCommerce categories by traffic in all regions;