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The Global Media Landscape | GlobalWebIndex

Consumer Behavior |

Since the pandemic, we are witnessing a lot of changes in media. This global media landscape report discusses everything about that!

Obviously, smart devices are in high demand, on the other hand, in the US, trust in the media continues to fall. Also, TV viewing on consoles grew 15% year-on-year and there are more insights to check, read on and figure out…

The Global Media Landscape: Media Consumption Overview

Despite a three-year plateau, smartphone ownership is now so widespread that it has fueled the growth of other IoT-connected devices (Internet of Things)

  • Smart TV ownership, particularly, has increased dramatically in recent years, rising 19% since 2018. This is particularly evident in North America (+26%) and Latin America (+41%).
  • On the other hand, we can say the same for the market for wearables.
  • Moreover, in the last three years, smartwatch ownership has more than doubled, while smart wristband ownership has increased by 46%.
  • Notably, this growth has persisted post-pandemic, with ownership of smart technology continuing to rise in 2022.
  • Nevertheless, several devices have seen significant declines. Even with a brief spike during the pandemic, when pent-up demand was higher, PC/laptop ownership has fallen by 19% since 2018.
  • The same is true for e-Readers, with ownership falling by 20% throughout this period.

The Comprehensive Global Media Landscape Report  2023 | DMC

Media Effectiveness:

Without discussing, of course, we know that media has a great impact on our lives.

The time we consume staying online is a lot, the chart below shows the average daily time spent on the following (H: MM) and the percentage who use them.

The Comprehensive Global Media Landscape Report  2023 | DMC

  • As expected, mobile will dominate consumers’ time and attention in 2022, with a global reach of 98%.
  • According to the global media landscape report, broadcast TV is still a top source of brand discovery, attempting to reach a larger share of consumers than its online counterpart.
  • Furthermore, online TV continues to expand rapidly, reaching more consumers with each passing year.
  • Social media is also a hero because it consumes a significant portion of consumers’ daily time and reaches 94% of them. The format outperforms all other types of media in terms of popularity.

There’s a lot to check in the global media landscape report, make sure to take a look at media consumption and how online users’ behavior is changing…

The Table of Content of “The Global Media Landscape ” Report:

  • Discover our data
  • Key insights
  • Media consumption overview
  • TV/Video
  • News
  • Gaming
  • Music/Audio
  • Ads/subscriptions
  • Appendix
  • Notes on methodology

Number of Pages:

  • 40 pages


  • Free


All figures in this report are drawn from GWI’s online research among internet users aged 16-64. Our figures are representative of the online populations of each market, not its total population. Note that in many markets in Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region, low internet penetration rates can mean online populations are younger and more urban, affluent, and educated than the total population.

Each year, GWI interviews over 900,000 internet users aged 16-64 via an online questionnaire for our Core dataset. A proportion of respondents complete a shorter version of this survey via mobile, hence the sample sizes presented in the charts throughout this report may differ as some will include all respondents and others will include only respondents who completed GWI’s Core survey via PC/laptop/tablet.


Market Research & Data Technology

GlobalWebIndex is a leading market research company headquartered in London that provides digital consumer insights across 44 countries to the world's largest brands, marketing agencies and media organizations. Maintaining a global panel of more than 22 million connected consumers which leverage to create 25,000 data points to profile internet users around the world. Providing a combination of survey and analytics data. Since launching in 2009, GlobalWebIndex has become one of the UK’s fastest-growing data technology companies.

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