eCommerce is rapidly expanding in developing countries. As more goods and services are traded online, it becomes increasingly important for enterprises to have an online presence.
eCommerce is facilitated by improved connectivity and the growing proliferation of mobile devices, social media, and new innovations. At the same time, many developing countries need to overcome various barriers to seize the full benefits from the evolving digital economy.
Egypt has a consumer market with millions of people, most of them are increasingly technology-savvy.
In this regard, eMarketing Egypt revealed its 7Th annual Digital Marketing Insights in Egypt survey results report. This annual research comes in line with the overwhelming need to study Egyptian users’ online behaviors and their attitudes towards the internet, social media and online ads.
The DMI Report is considered the only insightful report about e-marketing in Egypt provides full-fledge insights coming to you in 4 main sections (Digital trends in Egypt, Egyptian internet users profile, internet usage insights, and the interaction to online ads).

The 7th Annual Report: Digital Marketing Insights in Egypt
How Do Egyptians Use the Internet? An Overview
- Egypt is a country with more than 50 million internet users, with about 55% penetration.
- 72% of internet users in Egypt reported that they can’t live without the internet.
- 84% of internet users in Egypt believe that the greatest benefit for the internet is to get opportunities to socialize and network.

What are Egyptians using the internet for? The Internet Users Activities in Egypt
How Do Egyptians Use Social Media? A Focus on Facebook
- Egypt leads all the Arab countries in terms of the number of Facebook users with its 33 million facebook users that are representing about 26.4%of Facebook users in the Arab world (125 million users) and the 12th globally.
- 88% of the surveyed internet users in Egypt are accessing Facebook via their mobile devices.
- More than 86% of Facebook users in Egypt use it daily, with 37% of them are almost always.
- Males are much more likely to use Facebook than females (65% vs. 35%).
- But female users are much younger than male users, with 55% of them are younger than 25 years old.
- About 73% of Facebook users in Egypt use it mainly to follow the news and get informed.
- About 41% of Facebook users may interact (engaged) with a certain business page due to the company’s high standard products or services.
- About 36% of Facebook users may unlike a business page for many reasons especially the negative experience with business products or services.

Know When Egyptian Use Facebook the Most You Can Know the Best Time to Post on the Platform
How Do Egyptians Interact With Online Ads? An Overview
- About 79% of the surveyed internet users indicated that they’re interested in online Ads, while only about 65% of them view it as eye-catchy, and only 43% of them would love to follow it.
- Concerning the trust in online ads, only 26% of internet users in Egypt may trust it.
- About 52% of the internet users who interested in online Ads totally trust Ads by the Technology sector. Males are more likely to do so more females (56% vs. 46%).
- 34% of the surveyed internet user younger than 25 years reported that they trust more the Ads displayed on social media.
- 51% of the surveyed users older than 35 years indicated that they search about products and brands by using search engines the most.
- 41% of Facebook users may interact with a certain business page due to the company’s high standard products or services.
- 62% of Facebook users reported that they open their accounts “Late at night”.

Egyptians’ online interaction With Advertising
The Content of “Digital Marketing Insights in Egypt, 2016” Report:
- Executive Summary.
- Methodological Notes.
- Digital Trends:
- Internet Users in Egypt; Size, Penetration and Trend.
- Facebook Users in Egypt; Size, Penetration, and Trend.
- Selected Comparisons; Global Facebook Users and penetrations.
- Selected Comparisons; Regional Facebook Users and penetrations.
- Users Profile:
- Users Profile: Gender & Age Groups.
- Users by Age: Details.
- Relationship Status.
- Devices Used.
- Gender Comparisons; Age Groups, Users by Age and Relationship Status.
- Top Pages in Selected Categories; Fans Profile, Details and Comparative view.
- Usage Insights:
- General Attitudes.
- Concluding Remark: I can’t Live Without the Internet.
- Online Activities.
- The Always Connected Consumers: Devices Used.
- Facebook Usage Insights; Rates of Usage, Purposes of Usage and Activities.
- Interaction with Facebook Pages; Reasons to Like, Factors Driving Engagement and Unlikes.
- Interactions with Online Ads; The General View:
- Interest in Online Ads.
- The First Filter: Not Interested Users.
- General Attitudes Towards Online Ads; General Attitudes.
- Concluding Remark: The Positivity-Negativity Funnel.
- Trust Pattenrs; Trust VS. Channels, Trust VS. Categories.
- Specific Insight: Response to Facebook Ads.
- Actions Undertaken.
- Interaction to Online Ads; Selected Focus:
- Totally Trusted Sectors; Top 4:
- Demographic Segmentation.
- Behavioral Segmentation.
- Cross Trust Patterns.
- Reaction to Facebook Ads.
- Actions Undertaken.
- Totally Trusted Channels; Top 4:
- Demographic Segmentation.
- Behavioral Segmentation.
- Cross Trust Patterns.
- Reaction to Facebook Ads.
- Actions Undertaken.
Number of Pages:
Data were gathered and driven by eMarketing Egypt from a sample of 3,273 internet users in Egypt. The sample had been constructed to meet the statistical considerations that ensure the representation of the total internet users in Egypt a 99% confidence level and +/- 2.5 margins of error.
The survey was conducted during the period from Sept. 1, 2016, to Oct. 15, 2016.