How concerned are consumers in the UK about cybersecurity and privacy risks in terms of healthcare data? Do they believe companies and the government are doing enough to protect their personal healthcare information? Do they feel they are in control of their digital healthcare data secure? And what does it take to win their trust? All these are questions reflects the key findings revealed in the Accenture Consulting study. So, let’s take a sneak peek at the top line findings:
A Graph Shows the Confidence Degree in Security Measures to Protect Privacy and Security of Health Data in the UK – 2017
Data were driven from 7,580 consumers, ages 18+ across seven countries: Australia (1,000), Brazil (1,000), England (1,000), Norway (800), Saudi Arabia (850), Singapore (930) and the United States (2,000). The seven-country survey was conducted between November 2016 and January 2017. (The US survey was conducted online between and November 15-28, 2016)