This GlobalWebIndex report places the light on business leaders. The report focuses on some important points which need to be known such as:
As reported, almost 4 in 10 business leaders nowadays are women, they are almost the same age as their male counterparts which is 38 years old on average, however, females are somehow less likely to be educated to a postgraduate degree (15% vs 19%)
The following chart explains more about business leaders from both genders and which categories do they fall into.
It is reported that there are 42% of business leaders who are more likely than average to say that having the latest technological products is very important to them.
The chart below the device ownership for business leaders.
Business leaders used to spend around 20 minutes longer on their moiles than the average internet user back in 2012. However, since 2017, the rest of the online world quickly caught up, and it is widely driven by younger generations.
The chart below shows the time spent on PC\laptop\tablet per day.
The data in this report is taken from GlobalWebIndex’s ongoing global Core research among 575,000 internet users aged 16-64 in 45 markets. Where clearly stated, this report also draws insights from GlobalWebIndex’s Work research among knowledge workers aged 16-64 across 10 markets. Knowledge workers are defined as anyone who holds an office position and/or works with data, analyzes information, or thinks creatively in a typical work week.
Throughout this report, we refer to indexes. Indexes are used to compare any given group against the average (1.00), which unless otherwise stated refers to the average internet user or the average knowledge worker. For example, an index of “1.20” means that a given group is 20% above the global average, and an index of “0.80” means that an audience is 20% below the global average.