As a marketer, one of your main goals is to reach your target audience and to make them familiar with your product/service. The basis on that, content creation plays a vital role because when you create content you provide important information to your audience besides attracting potential customers to your website and increasing engagement.
Content marketing is important for both B2C and B2B companies; however, what is the difference between both of them. In a simple way, B2B content marketing is more about engagement, on the other hand, B2C is more about the actual conversion to a sale.
Anyhow, in the long term, the most successful B2C marketers will likely be those who focus on deeper parts of the customer journey, for instance; using content marketing to generate sales\revenue and to build a loyal audience.
Keep reading on for more insights into the current state of B2C content marketing…
Also Check: The B2B Content Marketing 2020: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America
This report shows that B2C companies in the sophisiticaed\mature phase of content marketing maturity report levels of content marketing success when compared with all respondents. The percentage of B2C marketers that say their organization is in the sophisticated \mature phase of content marketing maturity is 39%.
The chart below shows how B2C marketers rate their organizations’ content marketing maturity level:
2 Pie Charts Shows How B2C Marketers Rate Their Organization’s Overall Level of Content Marketing Success—2020 Data
In this chart, the goals that B2C marketers have achieved by using content marketing, successfully in the last 12 months.
A Figure Shows the Key Metrics B2C Marketers Tracked to Measure Content Performance in 2019
In order to create a one of a kind content marketing strategy, make sure to consider these tips:
B2C Content Marketing 2020: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends was produced by Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and MarketingProfs and sponsored by Sitecore. The CMI/MarketingProfs 10th annual content marketing survey, from which the results of this report were generated, was emailed to a sample of marketers using lists from CMI and MarketingProfs. Online survey hosting, data collection, and tabulation were provided by Readex Research.
A total of 1,798 recipients from around the globe—representing a full range of industries, functional areas, and company sizes—replied to the survey during June/July 2019.
More than 250 respondents (256) indicated their organization is a for-profit company, primarily selling products/services to companies (B2C).
This report presents the findings from the 179 B2C respondents who indicated a) their organization has used content marketing for at least one year and b) they are a content marketer, involved with the content marketing function, and/or someone to whom content marketing reports.