Account-based marketing offers many promises around customer growth and retention. While it is not a new concept, both data-driven marketing approaches and new marketing tools have given the account based marketing a resurgence of late, making it a practical approach for any sized organization to be successful. These require a solid data foundation in order the most success through a focus on the right accounts account-based marketing programs are made up of a series of steps that require alignment and collaboration between marketing and sales. Target account selection should be thoughtful and meaningful, not random or based on wishful thinking. Knowing your market at a detailed segment level is an essential first step in that selection. Once you know the attributes of your strong and weak segments, you can start to make data-backed business decisions as to where to focus your account-based marketing efforts.
A Graph Shows The Challenges of Starting, Continuing, or Scaling Account-Based Initiatives, 2019.
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Data were driven from 164 respondents with a number of surveyed data points of 96 in the last quarter of 2018. TOPO studied the strategies of account based organizations. Specifically, this research focused on identifying the tactics, budgets, resources, and results of these organizations, and captured insights organizations can leverage to develop and/or improve their account based initiatives.