Is your advertising and marketing strategy for the upcoming Christmas ready yet?
It might seem like Christmas talk is premature, but really, we’re just a couple weeks away from when the spending spree begins.
How will digital, omnichannel retail impact holiday shopping this year? Which retailers, products, and brands will drive holiday retail in 2019?
Keep reading and download the full study to learn which retailers, brands, and products will drive 2019 holiday spending…
The Top Holiday Online Shopping Trends 2019:
- This year, Amazon and Walmart will likely be the top gift retailer.
- Regarding the top retailer for making purchases in each category, Amazon ranked the top for electronics, Walmart for toys, and Kohl’s for clothing/footwear.
- 38% of Christmas shoppers said they’ll probably visit five or more brick-and-mortar retailers this holiday season to purchase gifts, while only 5% said none.
- Mobile apps have become a preferred method for planning, shopping for, and purchasing. 60% of Christmas shoppers said they’re completely or very likely to use one or more retailer-specific mobile apps to buy gifts this holiday shopping season.

App usage on holiday USA 2019
Related Reports:
Top Online Gifts and Holiday Shopping Categories in 2019
- Toys and electronics are the top gifts will Christmas shoppers purchase online in 2019.
- Starbucks (40%), Folgers (25%), and Dunkin’ Donuts (20%) are the top coffee brands will Christmas celebrants have in their cups this holiday season.
- Clothes/wearable accessories (e.g., jewelry) are the top planned gifts for daughters and sons.
- Fragrances/perfume are the top planned gifts for wives, while attire/clothing (not underwear) are the top gifts for husbands.

Top Purchased Gifts for Daughters During Christmas 2019
Content of the “2019 Holiday Preview: An Omnichannel Christmas” Report:
- Holiday Retailers
- Mobile Audit: Holiday Displays
- Online Shopping
- App Usage
- Holiday Grocers
- Holiday Foods/Beverages
- Buy & Try: Starbucks K-Cups
- Alcohol Consumption
- Gifts for Kids
- Mystery Shop: FAO Schwarz
- Stockings
- Gifts for Adults
- Gifts for Pets
- Greeting Cards
- Takeaways
- Demos & Details
Number of Pages:
Data in this report is based on surveys with over 4,000 Christmas shoppers. This report encompasses two mobile surveys (Download the full report and find more details about methodology).