Social media has become a key part of almost all of the Arab youth life. Facebook & Whatsapp rank the top used social media channels among the Arab young people. Both of them grab a rate of 68% in 2017. YouTube ranks at the third (50%), followed by Instagram (48%) and then Snapchat (42%). On …
Social media nowadays has an essential role in making young Arabs people informed with the daily news. Facebook is the main daily news source for 35% of them, while 31% use other online news sources, and 30% use TV news channels.
Communication directly with others is the primary purpose for nationals to use both WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. 90% of internet users in the Middle East are using WhatsApp & 63% of them are using Facebook, 41% of them are using Instagram for communication purpose. Twitter had been an essential tool to find and share news nationals …
Across the last 4 years in the middle east, using the Facebook platform drop limited in 2016 to be 82%, from 89% in 2014. The twitter platform also reduced by 2016 to be 28%, after fall-off from 45% in 2013. But Instagram doubled 5 times by 2016 to be 30%, after 6% in 2013. This …