Internet users in the Arab nations are avid social media users. Among platform users, over 8 in 10 use YouTube as their main source of getting and sharing entertainment content. This is followed by Instagram with a rate of 72%, Facebook (70%) and then Snapchat (69%). Although Twitter is lagged behind all social media platforms …
Facebook is the most popular social media platform in the Arab states with around 156 million users by early 2017, up from 115 million a year earlier and it keeps growing quite differently than other networks. In terms of distribution, around half of all Facebook users in the Arab region are based in three countries: …
Among only the internet users in the Middle East (the 6 countries surveyed), WhatsApp, Facebook and YouTube are considered as their most preferred social media platforms with rates of 75%, 71% and 59% respectively although Facebook penetration declined by 11% since 2015. These are followed by Instagram and Snapchat which increased significantly to score 42% and …
There is a rate of 66% of all nationals in the Middle East are getting news and information on social media every day according to a survey conducted by Northwestern University in Qatar. Generally, Twitter is used more than any other platform to get and share news in the Middle East – the 6 countries surveyed -, …
Arab nationals have a high dependence on social media platforms especially Facebook, as 63% of them are using it in 2017. But Lebanese are the most Arab nationals in using Facebook with a rate of 77%, followed by Jordanians and Emiratis at the same level with a rate of 70%. Facebook usage is high everywhere except …
Outside China, YouTube is the most popular social platform. When it comes to visitors/users, YouTube overtopping the Facebook by 10-points to reach 95% among Gen Zers; which highlights the importance of video and entertainment to these young audiences. Facebook platform, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp & Snapchat is also Gen Z’s favorite social media platforms.
67% of Americans get at least some of their news on social media. Here are some of their demographics according to each social media platform: Females are more likely to depend on Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram to get news than males. Males depend more on LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter respectively for the same purpose. The younger generation …
67% of USA adults said they get at least some of their news on social media, with 27% of them doing that sometimes and 20% are doing that so often. While 66% of USA adults use Facebook, 45% of them get news on this platform, followed by YouTube – which holds 58% of all USA population – …