The main driver behind social media uptake from businesses is to aid marketing and sales, but over the last year, there was a reduction in the number of businesses with a social media presence. Among small and medium businesses (SMBs) only 47% have a social media presence while for large businesses numbers are higher at …
Social media is influencing its users’ shopping decisions in an increasing way every day, it’s clear that the US social media shoppers are driven by daily deals, shopping promotions & retail coupons. 55% of US online shoppers – who have purchased products on social media- find daily deals important, while 38% of them were seeking …
Outside China, YouTube is the most popular social platform. When it comes to visitors/users, YouTube overtopping the Facebook by 10-points to reach 95% among Gen Zers; which highlights the importance of video and entertainment to these young audiences. Facebook platform, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp & Snapchat is also Gen Z’s favorite social media platforms.
67% of Americans get at least some of their news on social media. Here are some of their demographics according to each social media platform: Females are more likely to depend on Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram to get news than males. Males depend more on LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter respectively for the same purpose. The younger generation …
67% of USA adults said they get at least some of their news on social media, with 27% of them doing that sometimes and 20% are doing that so often. While 66% of USA adults use Facebook, 45% of them get news on this platform, followed by YouTube – which holds 58% of all USA population – …
Two-thirds (67%) of Americans said that they get at least some of their news on social media – with 2 in 10 doing so often. Older Americans increased their use of social media as a source of news till it reached 55% in 2017 after 45% in 2017. Those who aged under 50, remained more …
Accessing social networks is one of the main purposes to use the internet. The vast majority of all Australians (84%) access the internet daily. 56% do so more than 5 times a day. Among all social networking sites used in Australia in 2017, Facebook remains at the top with a percentage reached 94%. Instagram comes …
When Instagram users were asked about the most influential social media platform on shopping habits, 50% of them choose Instagram. Facebook ranked the next with a rate of 23%, followed by Pinterest (22%). Twitter and Snapchat lag behind with only 4% for them.