B2B companies need to use social networking platforms to understand their potential customers. This can help them target the right people at right time. Each social media platform is very different and serves different purposes. Social media networks provide professionals with an opportunity to connect with other professionals in their industry to learn, engage, share knowledge …
Throughout your career as a marketer and by the beginning of 2019, some questions may come to your mind. You may wonder which channels you should use for different marketing goals? what are the differences between Instagram and Facebook advertising? why mobile is the future of social media marketing? and why influencer marketing is on …
Social media is connecting the world in a way no other technology has before. People around the world are connected to one platform or another, and check in or post almost every day, social media users occupy their own space on the Internet because each subcontinental country has their own platforms, media coverage, language, interests, …
The false personal information is usually fed into the demographic analysis of social media data within electronic participation initiatives or big data-driven policy making cycles. Accounting for and correcting for such misrepresentative demographic data is critical when social media data informs policy formulation cycles. Take a glance at the most platforms that the Arab online users …
Unlike other forms of online marketing, content marketing relies on anticipating and meeting an existing customer needs for information, as opposed to creating demand for a new need. It always helps companies to create sustainable brand loyalty, provides valuable information to consumers, and creates a willingness to purchase products from the company in the future. …
Social media has become a primary tool for higher levels of fan engagement, directly driving lead generation through interaction and content sharing that is especially relevant to media companies. Social media marketing becomes one of the effective Internet marketing methods that utilize social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal is to produce content that users …
Finding the best type of content to feed audience on social media platforms can seem overwhelming. The best types of content for social media are the ones that are tailored to answer the demand on a certain social media platform. Each platform has its own users, and each is used with different intent. The first …
96% of technology organizations in North America use content marketing, with 45% of them in the sophisticated/mature phase of content marketing. 43% of organizations that use content marketing in North America depends on small (or one-person) marketing/content marketing team serves the entire organization. Furthermore, 67% of technology marketers surveyed outsource at least one content creation activity (e.g., …