Almost all new generations are “netizen”; depending mainly on the internet in all their lives aspects. Smartphones are the key device for accessing the internet. Roughly 9 in 10 of internet users around the whole world – who aged 16-20 years old and called as “Gen Z” – own a smartphone. Most of them are …
India holds the first line of most countries affected by spam calls in 2017 with a Truecaller user receiving an average of 22.6 spam calls per month. Operator calls grabbed more than half of spam calls in India (54%), followed by nuisance calls with a rate of 20% and then telemarketing calls with 13%. Financial …
Smartphone dominates the usage of other popular devices – such as computers/laptops and tablets – with a rate of 55%. That led to an increase in the use of mobile apps. 28% of mobile users in the US use mobile apps for banking, while 25% use them for travel. On the other side, social media is …
South Africa ranked the fifth place among the top 20 countries affected by spam calls around the whole world in 2017. When it comes to who is spamming, telemarketing calls come at the top with a rate of 39%, followed by financial (24%) and insurance (13%) calls which considered as the most known types of …
63% of smartphone owners around the world use their device every 30 minutes or more and 22% do so every 5 minutes. So, this enormous time spent leads to a variety of activities that those owners do on their devices. Almost all of them use their mobile devices in order to search for information with …
22% of smartphone owners around the whole world use their mobile devices every 5 minutes, while 63% do so every 30 minutes or more. Also, 22% of smartphone users spend more than 6 hours using their mobile device each day, compared to 49% who do so for 3 hours per day. Asia Pacific region has …
In a way to rank the most 8 downloaded and most deleted apps used by smartphone users nationwide, social media apps grabbed the top level of downloaded apps and they ranked the 7th most deleted apps. This is followed by email/communication apps which are the second most downloaded apps and the lowest deleted apps. It …
The average spam calls per user/month are 8.9 in the United Kingdom which has a variety of spam call categories. Telemarketing leading with a rate of 31% of all spam calls, followed by insurance calls with a rate of 23% and the nuisance with 14%.