Sales reps are important to the companies and wholesales, as they are the ones who can promote and market the merchandise for them. Moreover, Sales are becoming a more powerful, important voice within companies. 73% percent of sales professionals say the attention paid to sales has increased over the past five years. Read on to …
Sales are becoming a more powerful, strategic voice within companies. Seventy-three percent of sales professionals say the attention paid to sales has increased over the past five years. It is reported that high-performing sales teams are 2.8x more likely than underperformers to say their sales organizations have become much more focused on personalizing customer interactions …
This state of sales report will show you how the role of sales is changing besides what defines success in the Age of the Customer. As companies ready for the intelligent marketplace of the future, successful sales teams are arming their representatives with smarter selling capabilities. Without further ado, let’s dive deep into the state …
Investment is one of the key hallmarks of the business. Most businesses require that injection of capital to really get their plans off the ground – and without that initial investment, whether from a loan or from a body of investors and funders, you won’t be able to enact your ambitious plans. But where should …
Content marketing presents a pull mechanism for the marketers rather than a push one. It’s a gentler approach to traditional advertising and product or price promotions. Brands must consider their brand identity and the market they are trying to reach in order to create targeted and valuable brand content that delivers on strategic objectives. Content …