Most of the brand’s stories on Instagram are linked to a shopping cart. 59% of these stories are linked to a shoppable page, while 23% are linked to other social platforms. Only 10% of these stories are linked to a blog post and 5% are linked to a campaign page.
A total of 47% of Facebook users globally learned about new products or brands from the Facebook. 53% of them are women and 41% are men. Besides 27% knew about the products/brands they have seen on Facebook. On the other hand, women are more likely to buy than men as 15% of them have purchased …
Among the top factors influencing decisions of purchasing video games in the US, quality of the graphics (67%) and price (65%) ranked the top, followed by the interesting story/premise (59%), and then the online gameplay capability (50%).
Marketers are ought to prioritize the customer experience defection, to avoid customer stop shopping or purchasing from their brands. Nearly half of the customers (48%) left a brand due to substandard experiences in digital & physical world channels ( in-store or online). While 43% left a brand because of slowing in issue resolution, 42% left a brand due …
89% of online shoppers in US shop on Amazon; up 2% since Q1 2017. 43% of them shop on Amazon at least once a week. 30% shop on Amazon at least once a month, while only 27% do so several times a year.
Nearly 65% of Amazon sellers indicated that they depend mainly on webinars as their preferred resource to keep informed about the retail industry. Facebook rated as the second most common industry knowledge resource used by 39% of merchants, followed by Blogs with a rate of 39% too.
In the UK, 30% of all cross-device transactions completed on a desktop started on a smartphone, while 24% of those completed on a smartphone started on a desktop. So, it’s not surprising that desktop/laptop is the first device used to browse in order to purchase online with a rate of 41%, followed by 39% for …
In the UK, Generation Z (<19 years old) loves in-store shopping than online. 67% of them reported that they prefer to purchase in-stores most of the time, compared to only 22% who favor online purchasing. There’s also a rate of 13% goes to the preference of mobile apps in shopping among Gen Z.