Increasingly, everything and everyone is moving online, with nearly 3.5 billion people are using the internet, 7.4 billion mobile-phone subscriptions and 1.79 billion active Facebook users, resulting in more ways to shop and more access to products and services than ever before. In China online retail sales accounted for 12.9% of the total retail purchases …
North America played a leading role in the development of mobile commerce and social platforms and similarly has been a driver of innovation in emerging technologies such as blockchain and the potential disruptive power of Fintech. North America also is one of the most mature mobile markets, with high rates of subscriber penetration, mobile broadband …
The wide penetration of mobile devices around the whole world has made purchasing products and services via mobile devices easier than before. In a way to explore and understand the similarities and differences in consumer purchase and payment activities that take place on mobile devices across 19 countries that participated in the study, read the …
North America and Latin America achieved noticeable progress on fixed and mobile data networks, identifying facts, fads, and future trends that will shape the Internet’s future. Here is a highlight on the fixed access and mobile networks in both Latin America and North America for 2016: Mobile Networks in North America Fixed Access Real-Time Entertainment …