For smartphone users in the US, there are some preferred features for smartphone apps. Having a wide range of features and personalization options such as storing preferences of users are the top key features for preferred smartphone apps with rates 66% & 62% respectively. People don’t prefer storing their credit card/billing information on their apps and …
More and more businesses are leveraging video-based advertisements on channels such as YouTube. Video-based content is easier to grasp and provides entertainment apart from product education. The 4 Research-Backed Tips to Help You Make the Most of Your Online Video Plan: Be mobile-minded: Viewers who watched an ad twice on mobile had a significant lift …
Online marketplaces become more convenient, devices become more accessible, storing and streaming content on one device becomes more reliable. That affects consumer’s behavior in using media. Read the following information to understand the state of digital media consuming across 2 media segments (eBooks & Games): eBooks 58% of UK eBook readers read mystery, thriller and …
Mobile broadband is growing strongly. On average, more than 1 million new mobile broadband subscribers will be added every day up to the end of 2022. The total traffic in mobile networks also increased by 70% between the end of Q1 2016 & the end of Q1 2017. Gain more knowledgeable and read the below …
Today’s teens had mobile phones when they were in elementary or middle school, compared to high school or college for their older counterparts. When marketers targeting black teens, it’s important to understand the digital behaviors of them, and how they compared to the general population of teens: The majority of black teens (79%) use smartphones …
There are 1.6 billion people celebrates Ramadan or 23% of the world’s population, the middle east is home to 1/5 of the world’s Muslim population or 317 million people. To determine the sales benchmark in Ramadan by analyzing a million transactions from over 100 retail and travel advertisers based in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, …
The Hispanic population in the US represents a wide segment for marketers especially teens, as nearly 25% of all 13- to 17-year-olds are Hispanic, and they are the fastest-growing teen demographic. Get a better understanding of their digital behaviors: Hispanic teens are predicted to grow +17% by 2024. The smartphone is the most used device …
Ad-blocking is a trend on the rise, with research showing that a third of internet users around the world are now blocking ads on their desktops. Take a closer look at the attitudes of US internet users towards ad-blocking & online advertising today: 1 in 2 smartphone owners in the USA state that they would prefer to block …