In 2016, there were 2.3 billion smartphone users globally which equal 31% of the total population. At the end of 2016, 2.8 billion smartphones were in use in addition to 260 million tablets. Samsung is the leading smartphone manufacturer with 859 million of all smartphones in use globally with a rate of 31%. Apple ranked …
Among the top 20 countries affected by spam calls, Egypt ranked the tenth place with an average of 9.9 spam calls per user per month. On another rank, Egypt is the country that receiving the highest rate of scam calls – which seeks to steal the recipient’s money or personal information – (99% of all …
43% of smartphone users surveyed indicated that they delete apps to free up more space on their phones, while 29% do so to reduce clutter. Another 26% delete apps because of dull or they became in no need of it. Only 3% of respondents delete apps because they’re worried about the app would track them …
Online gamers in India who aged below 24 years have an average of 5 games on their mobile phones. Action games are played by nearly half of them. Online gamers who are older (25-34 years) have an average of 4 games on their mobile phones and more than 50% of them prefers to play puzzle …
Mobile penetration in Egypt increased by an annual change rate of 4.28% to reach 111.61% at the end of January-March 2017, compared to 107.33% at the end of January-March 2016. On the other hand, fixed line penetration totaled with 7.23% by the end of the same quarter of 2017.
The online education market in India is estimated to witness an 8x growth over the next 5 years to reach the $1.96 billion and around 9.6 million users by 2021. Online searches for education also have been increased by a two-fold and a three-fold in searches from a mobile device over the last two years. …
The vast majority of US smartphone users surveyed (62%) are rarely re-download mobile apps that they’ve deleted before. Over a third (31%) do so few times monthly and only 5% do so several times a week. The US Millennials and single users are deleting apps more frequently than Baby Boomers and married users.
July is the time for marketers, parents and students to set their attention on back to school. But back-to-school (BTS/B2S) shoppers generally start thinking about what they need in June and stretch out the buying process until mid-August or later. Here are some key findings talks about consumer trends for 2016-17 BTS season: 37% of …