The influence of social media has been felt in the recent political uprisings in the Arab world. In the Arab region, the tools of social media played a crucial role in mobilizing. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, or Blogs, they all have found themselves central to the uprisings in an unprecedented way. The …
LinkedIn is far more just than a professional network. It is a crucial way of communicating your brand to the rest of the world. However, for the platform (which has 467 million users) to be a successful business-building tool for you, you’ll need more than just a credential page with sparse information. Don’t worry, it’s …
Social media use in the Middle East has reached its peak, especially in countries such as the UAE. which recorded the highest social media penetration ever estimated at 99% in 2018. Saudi Arabia also recorded the highest year-over-year growth in the number of social media users with a rate of 32%. All these indicators and …
LinkedIn has launched a new ‘Future of Skills’ interactive tool, Linkedin’s new tool enables you to dig into the latest skills trends for any job role, in order to glean more insight into what employers are looking for, as well as what people are listing on their LinkedIn profiles for each position. As you can …
LinkedIn will soon start testing paid events, it is a part of its broader push on hosting virtual events, which has become a bigger focus over the past 18 months. LinkedIn’s paid events could provide new opportunities for monetization and engagement on the professional social network. Moreover, the new element was first reported by TechCrunch, …
With the current vaccine roll-out gradually leading to new signs of hope for a return to normal life, we can see that many businesses are now preparing for the next stage, and a ramp-up in activity as new opportunities arise. At the same time, LinkedIn has published a new ‘Return to Growth’ digital magazine, LinkedIn’s …
If you’re considering LinkedIn for your promotional efforts in 2021, then this LinkedIn’s mini-guide is for you! LinkedIn has published a new, 14-page mini-overview of its different ad and audience targeting options. LinkedIn’s mini-guide could help provide more assistance and the context in devising your LinkedIn marketing strategy. LinkedIn’s Mini-Guide: The guide provides an overview …
Different social media platforms are used for specific purposes. For example, individuals use it to discuss their interests, connect with friends, and grow their careers. Marketers use it to increase brand awareness, improve traffic, and generate leads. In this report, you will get a closer look at social media types and their pros and cons. …