Theodore Twombly is a man grappling with loneliness. Facing an imminent divorce, he decides to purchase an AI-powered operating system—a self-prescribed antidote to ease the pain of separation. Soon, he becomes deeply attached to this AI, named Samantha. She becomes his confidante, his best friend, and even his partner. In Spike Jonze’s 2013 sci-fi film …
Hard-Won Insights Drive Growth In 2024, technology and security teams took bold steps, running AI pilots and navigating shifting market trends, gaining critical insights along the way. As we move into 2025, experimentation will persist, but leaders will prioritize applying these lessons. With heightened pressure to demonstrate ROI, some may rush deployments, risking costly missteps, …
Hard-Won Insights Drive Growth Generative AI’s potential to reshape marketing and customer experience sparked bold experimentation in 2024, producing mixed outcomes and underscoring the reality that true transformation takes time. In 2025, leading brands will leverage these hard-won lessons to optimize data infrastructure, boost efficiency, and enhance customer insights. The stakes are high: companies that …
Hard-Won Insights Drive Growth In 2024, B2B organizations embraced bold experimentation, spurred by the potential of generative AI. In 2025, the focus shifts to driving revenue as leaders work to turn those insights into tangible growth. Some may chase quick wins that fail to create lasting impact or prematurely pull back from promising long-term initiatives. …
Introduction Torn sticky notes, back-to-back meetings, endless coffee—sound familiar? It’s that time of year when marketers are in full swing, with eyes glued to the calendar. Inboxes are flooded with offers, deals, discounts, and promo codes, leaving your subscribers with plenty of choices. So, how do you stand out this holiday season? How can you …
Introduction The more things change, the more consumers engage Consumers’ appetite for content remains insatiable, even as the social media landscape grows increasingly complex. By the end of 2023, 38% of social media users are expected to increase their platform usage in 2024— and all indications show that this prediction is right on target. Compared …
Key insights Generative AI’s economic impact could be transformative Generative AI is poised to revolutionize productivity, potentially adding between $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually to the global economy, according to recent research. To put this into perspective, the United Kingdom’s entire GDP in 2021 was $3.1 trillion. Integrating generative AI into existing software could …
Introduction: The Promise and Challenge of Generative AI Generative AI (gen AI) offers both significant opportunities and challenges for leaders aiming to guide their organizations into the future. McKinsey research estimates that Generative AI could contribute between $2.6 trillion and $4.4 trillion annually to the global economy while amplifying the overall impact of artificial intelligence …