Many marketers rate email marketing highly and they get many benefits from. The question here is which benefits are they trying to achieve as they seek to improve their email marketing?. Generating more leads is the highest-rated benefit of email marketing with a rate of 23%, followed by improving sales with 19%, improving conversion rates …
63% of white-collar respondents in the EMEA region – who surveyed – would prefer to be contacted by brands via email. They would prefer also that marketing emails were less about promotions and provided more information. In terms of the most annoying thing when receiving an email offer from marketers, getting emailed too often by the …
Most of the marketing influencers surveyed globally reported that increasing conversion and click-through rates are their most important objectives for an email marketing strategy to achieve with rates 55% and 49% respectively. The third most important objective is increasing the size of the email lists this channel relies upon, with a rate of 43%.
For half of the marketing influencers globally – who surveyed -, message personalization is their most effective email marketing tactic. Meaningful call-to-action ranked the next with a rate of 38%, narrowly edging out list data segmentation with 37%. Mobile responsive design and automated campaigns lagged behind most effective email practices with rates 28% and 27% …
The email isn’t Instagram or Snapchat. It doesn’t enable VR and AR capabilities, but while social media platforms can change their algorithms and limit your reach, it provides a more stable and direct connection to the targeted audience, most cost-effective way, besides being an option which can help you maintain your marketing productivity amidst the …
Email marketing has great benefits for marketers, 23% of marketers surveyed assume that generating more leads is the biggest benefit from the email marketing, followed by a rate of 19% goes to improving sales and 17% improving conversation rates.
Looking at the previous years, email still an essential component of marketers’ strategy. Those saying the email was either ‘important’ or ‘very important’ totaled with a rate of 95% in 2016. The highest figure recorded, with 63% saying the email was ‘very important’. Only 1% of marketers surveyed said email marketing was ‘unimportant’.
A survey of 46 questions in total was hosted online in the UK shows that achieving engagement with consumers, increasing sales and brand awareness are the top three objectives for B2C email marketing campaigns. These objectives changing slightly for B2B marketers; as leading generation/acquisition is their top objective.