Effectively marketing a law firm online requires multiple factors, including a powerful website, well-maintained social media profiles, and effective advertising. Increasingly, clients are finding law firms that they trust through the use of search engines. Most firms see the value of digital marketing strategies and the opportunities it provides in terms of strengthening their firm. …
Subscription service is saving customers the hassle of thinking. They don’t have to remember to purchase from your brand, to research your website, or visit your store. They only have to put in the work of signing up once. Then, they can just sit back and enjoy the subscription. They don’t have to remember to …
Do you know that marketing automation campaigns leads to higher conversion rates than traditional email marketing campaigns? According to 60 Second Marketer, marketing automation campaigns have 200% conversion rates higher than traditional email marketing campaigns. 77% of the companies that use marketing automation noticed a robust increase in revenue and marketing/sales effectiveness. Moreover, a highly targeted …
Marketing has fundamentally become a technology-powered discipline, and it’s leading to the rise of new kinds of marketing professionals. A marketing technologist is a technically skilled person who designs and operates technology solutions in the service of marketing, while marketing innovation program can help and support organizations to stay on the top of the ongoing …
Email marketing helps businesses to see instant sales from existing customers, but more importantly, it maintains and builds long-lasting relationships with loyal customers, which are the core of most successful businesses. Despite the business benefits of email marketing, many businesses are either still not using it or they are under-utilizing its power. E-mailing is frequently …
Needless to say that Marketing automation plays a vital role in how well your email campaigns perform. As shown in the latest benchmarks study conducted by GetResponse to compare traditional newsletters and automated emails, results showed that automated emails have doubled the average open rate (45.7% compared to 22.83%) and tripled the average click-through rate …
Email Marketing is one of the most effective techniques for digital marketers, so keeping up-to-date with the latest trends in the industry is super important. 57.9% of marketers planned to increase their email marketing budget in 2017. 53.6% rated the effectiveness of email marketing as good or excellent. Generating leads (23%), improving sales (19%) & …
Most of the marketing influencers surveyed globally reported that increasing conversion and click-through rates are their most important objectives for an email marketing strategy to achieve with rates 55% and 49% respectively. The third most important objective is increasing the size of the email lists this channel relies upon, with a rate of 43%.