Website speed affects everything from search engine rankings to bounce rates – but for eCommerce sites, the stakes are even higher. 51% of online shoppers in the US say that site slowness is the top reason they’d abandon a purchase, while 64% of shoppers who have a dissatisfying experience would choose to purchase from a …
Kindred is the digital agency of choice for brands that want to grow within the Asia Pacific and beyond. They build human-centric brands for a digital world – working with you to grow your business quickly, sustainably, and cost-effectively. They have a strong knowledge of Eastern and Western markets. Their multilingual team can help you …
A lot of things in the marketing, eCommerce, and retail industry have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. More companies have started to work from home, shifting eCommerce, changing audiences, providing new discounts, and moving services online. In light of that, marketers can take advantage of working remotely and sharpen their data-driven insights that make …
There is a great threat to brands and retailers which offer a superior delivery experience is hat they fall to provide the returns experience that complements this superior experience. Brands besides retailers need to make sure they have a suitable returns strategy experience to compete, as returns increase. If we talk about the US, the …
This COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the health of the public, as well as affecting the health of businesses and impacting the economy and it has a great impact on eCommerce in Egypt and all over the world. A recent study revealed that a double-digit share of online shoppers worldwide was buying more digitally due to …
To deliver and manage content across channels and devices, it is not just enough to create a website; you need to use a suitable content management system or CMS like Drupal that is completing its two decades of impressive existence in 2020. Being an open-source platform, Drupal comes with all the flexibility and versatility of …
Online retail has been successful in 2019, as consumers spent $9.4 billion on Cyber Monday alone. A number like this should not be surprising because the percentage of consumers shopping online every week is 26%. However, in 2020, retailers should take credit for delivering strong eCommerce sales while bearing in mind broader economic trends that …
If you have dreams of starting an ecommerce business, it’s easy to quickly become discouraged. The upfront cost, the best time to launch, and a legion of details make it seem as if your business will never become established, let alone successful. Actually, dropshipping is one of the best ways to start a business nowadays. …