Online banking, known also as internet banking, is an electronic payment system that enables customers of a bank or other financial institution to conduct a range of financial transactions through the financial institution’s website. Take a glance at the online banking size in the EU5 markets: the total online banking audience in France is 74% of the total digital population 81%, while Germany total digital …
The internet banking solutions is the most used electronic channel nowadays by various banking clients, not having the necessity to go to the bank and handle daily operations. In terms of the most devices used by consumers to access online banking services in Europe, 40% of German online users are using desktop only to access …
Online shopping is increasingly becoming the norm for online audiences in South Africa. 80% of online shoppers have either maintained or increased their online shopping habit over the last year besides 46% of offline shoppers claimed that they will make an online purchase within the coming year. In terms of the payment preference among those …
There are multiple devices used today for accessing digital payment channels. 48% of digital payment users in India depend mainly on mobile phones in order to make their digital payment transactions. Only 14% of respondents said they use laptops/desktops for the same purpose.
The digital payment usage remains more preferred than any other ways. In India and among all digital payment users surveyed, 88% of them indicated that they prefer cashless payment over cash payment. Almost half of them (48%) use digital payment for more than 75% of their transactions. Another rate estimated with 34% cited that they …