How concerned are consumers in the UK about cybersecurity and privacy risks in terms of healthcare data? Do they believe companies and the government are doing enough to protect their personal healthcare information? Do they feel they are in control of their digital healthcare data secure? And what does it take to win their trust? …
How concerned are consumers in the US about cybersecurity and privacy risks in terms of healthcare data? Do they believe companies and the government are doing enough to protect their personal healthcare information? Do they feel they are in control of their digital healthcare data secure? And what does it take to win their trust? …
Online advertising techniques used in the healthcare sector have changed in 2016 than 2015. Boosting Facebook posts increased from 76% in 2015 to hit 83% in 2016 to head all advertising techniques used in this sector. This was followed by Google AdWord with a rate of 78% and then prompted tweets (51%).
The last decade has seen an explosion in delivering and managing healthcare. Many innovations have been made possible due to the breakthrough in the field of software sciences and other technologies. Find out more about the state of digital marketing in healthcare in 2017: Websites were the top digital marketing method used at the hospitals’ …