eCommerce is rapidly expanding in developing countries. As more goods and services are traded online, it becomes increasingly important for enterprises to have an online presence. eCommerce is facilitated by improved connectivity and the growing proliferation of mobile devices, social media, and new innovations. At the same time, many developing countries need to overcome various …
In general, 55% of women in MENA are focusing on quality and brand name, while 45% are focusing on price or offers & promotions. Higher purchasing power in the Gulf countries sometimes lead women to focus more on the quality of product or service and the brand name more than anything else. So, in Gulf, 66% of Saudi women focus …
86% of online shoppers in China are planning to use computer devices to make an online purchase in the future compared to 81% in the US. 89% of Chinese also are more likely to purchase a product or service with their mobile device in the future than US shoppers (78%).
Chinese shoppers exceed Americans in interacting online as 90% of online shoppers in China have left a comment or review online after making a purchase, compared to 69% in the US. Most of these reviews for both of shoppers are written on an online shopping site/app that carries many products and brands.
16% of Americans and 13% of Chinese “browse first in-store” before making any in-store purchases, while 42% of Americans and 46% of Chinese “browse first online” before making any online purchases. On the other hand, 1 in 3 in-store purchases are made after browsing online first.
23.5% of Amazon shoppers always check other websites to compare prices before making any purchase. Another 30% reported they sometimes consult other websites before checking out on Amazon, and only 10.2% who are frequently comparing Amazon prices elsewhere.
The majority share of monthly purchases in China is now made online which estimated with 59% of total monthly purchases comparing to a rate of 42% in the US. In terms of the most preferred devices used in purchasing, laptops & desktops top the other devices in both US and China.
The top potential drivers for cross-border purchasing, among all online shoppers surveyed, offering free shipping (46%) would make shoppers more likely to buy from a website in another country, followed by security (44%) and finding items that are hard to find locally (40%). Data were driven from 28,000 consumers across 32 global markets.