Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience of a real-world environment whereby the objects that reside in the real-world are “augmented” by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory. Augmented reality is experiencing tremendous growth, and many real-world applications are enhancing today’s products and services. Augmented reality is a high priority for …
While the main attraction of mobile shopping remains convenience, a significant number of Australians are shopping online to relax. Mobile shopping has become more engaging, Australian consumers are turning to mobile commerce not just for entertainment but also to unwind, making the phrase ‘retail therapy’ a reality. Take a glance at the Australian mobile shoppers attitudes: …
Inventory visibility, showing your customer what stock you have, how much you have and where you have it. This is a concept that is coming up more and more within the retail industry. But is it really that important? These days customers want certainty and reliability when they shop online. Consumers have is their disappointment …
Augmented reality takes the digital information and overlays or combines it with elements of the real world. The ability to virtually try before you buy answers a key consumer concern as mobile shoppers still struggle with being unable to see what products will look like in their homes or in use or whether fashion items …
Despite the emergence of new communication channels, email remains the king. The industry is saturated with marketing clutter, but email still drives the highest ROI out of all marketing strategies. Whatever the case, promotional emails are one of the most direct and effective ways to get the word out and drive targeted traffic to your product …
The internet has radically transformed retail, both how companies sell and how shoppers buy. Groceries are in a class all their own they have characteristics that make them uniquely challenging to sell online. Take a glance at the most primary concerns for shopping groceries online: 69% of surveyed online shoppers indicated that they have quality concerns …
Ease of use and free returns shipping are the top reasons why consumers in Asia ship returns back to the retailer. Both in-store and online returns drive incremental purchases for consumers in Asia, with 69% have made a new purchase when returning an item in-store and 67% have made a new purchase when shipping a …
In fact, 73% of online shoppers in Asia expect orders placed between 6 p.m. and midnight to qualify for delivery the next day, while 64% of online shoppers in Asia expect orders placed between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. to get their purchased items in the same day. 33% of Asian online shoppers reported that they are …