Mobile technology enables us to access limitless goods and services, connected devices and digital experiences at any point and time. Mobile is replacing the desktop as the primary mean of online access in the home. Mobile represents almost 2 out of every 3 digital media minutes. Mobile also is changing how people shop. It will …
For modern marketers, trying to get the most marketing automation systems can be like trying to plan the best amusement park visit. Interactive content is a powerful tool for marketing automation systems. With it, you create highly engaging forms of content that improve conversion rates, collect better prospect data, and increase lead velocity, all while …
What is interactive content? Interactive content is anything that requires the participants’ active engagement—more than simply reading or watching the content. In return for that engagement, participants receive real-time, hyper-relevant results they really care about. Interactive content is a powerful tool for generation marketers. It was one of the major priorities for marketers. Recognizes trends …