Programmatic advertising is the automation of the buying & selling of advertising space among the agents involved, the relationship between the different agents which was previously manual is now conducted automatically by machines this is called “ad-exchanges” it does the job of interconnecting the supply of advertising inventory offered by the publishers with the demand …
Marketing objectives are goals set by a business when promoting its products or services to potential consumers that should be achieved within a given time frame. In other words, marketing objectives are the marketing strategy set in order to achieve the overall organizational objectives. When setting objectives, it is very important to ensure that they are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic …
Marketers are capable of creating personalized contents that are relevant to each and every consumer with the support of digital technologies. Consumers enjoy the privilege to individualize their experience and then share it with the communities they belong to regardless of geographical locations because people all around the world are connected on the internet. The …
Content marketing and the creation of content-driven experiences has proven to be an extraordinarily powerful new way for marketers to create value for the business. The idea of a brand approaching customer engagement by providing education, delight, and general usefulness offers a new model for enriching our interactions with customers at every stage of the …
Programmatic advertising offers automated decision-making process of the media buying by targeting specific audiences and demographics. Programmatic ads are placed using artificial intelligence and real-time bidding (RTB) for online display, social media advertising, mobile and video campaigns, and is expanding to traditional TV advertising marketplaces. Programmatic advertising uses impressions as a metric while algorithms look for …
Marketing attribution is to quantify the influence each advertising impression has on a consumer’s decision to make a purchase decision, or convert. Visibility into what influences the audience, when and to what extent, allows marketers to optimize media spend for conversions and compare the value of different marketing channels, including paid and organic search, email, affiliate marketing, display ads, social …
B2B marketers invest valuable time in searching for the most effective technology to be used in managing their content marketing efforts, if B2B marketers find themselves constantly requiring more advertising budget to increase their traffic levels, instead of relying on organic growth, it probably means something is lacking within their content marketing strategy. Take a …
Search for customer expectation, behavior and quality, when it comes to content marketing. B2B customers in the digital age have greater access to information. They are actively researching solutions and providers before engaging with a salesperson. As a result, content marketing is becoming more prevalent and receiving lots of investment. Take a glance at the most …