84% of customers expect to see content-led emails from their favorite brands. So, marketers often struggle to generate ideas for engaging topics. While 70% of B2B marketers planning to create more content in 2017 compared to the previous year, so you need to generate enough customer-led content to fuel your marketing strategy for years to …
It’s 2017, where social media is a huge part of our daily lives. Changes in social media happen almost daily, with each social network working to increase usage and engagement on its platform every day. For B2B brands and organizations, it’s an easy and effective way to get your message and products out to a …
For an in-depth on the trends, channels, B2B Marketers tactics, and tools are prioritizing to drive pipeline performance in 2017 and beyond, read the below insights: The number of respondents who indicated their demand budget would decline increased from 8% last year to 13% this year. More than two-thirds of respondents indicated their demand Budgets …
A survey of 46 questions in total was hosted online in the UK shows that achieving engagement with consumers, increasing sales and brand awareness are the top three objectives for B2C email marketing campaigns. These objectives changing slightly for B2B marketers; as leading generation/acquisition is their top objective.
An Annual survey with a participation of 2,562 B2B marketers from across North America shows that social promotion is the most paid methods used to promote content with a rate of 84%, followed by search engine marketing with a rate of 67%. Only 8% of B2B marketers said they don’t use any paid methods for …
78% of North America’ B2B marketers from the total 2,562 recipients surveyed said they have a content marketing strategy. They use mainly emails, and LinkedIn to distribute their content. Printed media comes in the third level as a distribution channel for content even before YouTube and Twitter.
Across North America; 78% of B2B marketers surveyed have a content marketing strategy, 41% of them said that they have a content marketing strategy but it isn’t documented, while 37% of them have a documented content marketing strategy. 17% of B2B marketers surveyed don’t have a content marketing strategy in place but they plan to …
89% of B2B marketers from around the globe said that their organizations use content marketing vs only 11% of them. When B2B marketers asked “In your organization, is it clear what an effective or successful content marketing program looks like?”, 41% of them assume that they have clarity on content marketing success and 30% of …