Some hours ago, WhatsApp has announced on its official blog that they’re adding a new feature to its platform, as one of its steps in the way of fighting fake news across its platform.
WhatsApp developed a new label for forwarded messages that can identify and inform the user if the message wasn’t composed by the sender in his conversation.
“Starting today, WhatsApp will indicate which messages you receive have been forwarded to you.”
According to the WhatsApp’s new update, the message will have a ‘forwarded’ label at the top, if the message’s sender isn’t the original creator.
The new label will be applied to text, image, video, and audio messages on the WhatsApp.
“This extra context will help make one-on-one and group chats easier to follow. It also helps you determine if your friend or relative wrote the message they sent or if it originally came from someone else.”
It should be referred to that WhatsApp came under fire from the Indian government after spreading of fake news messages through its platform, that led to a string of lynchings in India.
After this, WhatsApp harries up to address this issue in its largest user base in the world, so WhatsApp’s new ” forwarded label” is considered to be one of its important steps to stop the spread of misinformation.
Earlier, in the war against fake news, WhatsApp rolled out an education campaign through advertisements in English, Hindi, and regional languages in newspapers, due to helping users fight fake news on the platform.
It published a package of tips to all its users around the region to succeed in its mission.
The new label will be available to all the users, who have the latest supported version of WhatsApp on their phones.
Finally, WhatsApp said on its announcement that: “WhatsApp cares deeply about your safety. We encourage you to think before sharing messages that were forwarded.”