Digital Marketing News

LinkedIn Acquires Drawbridge, the Data Personalization Platform

As a show of LinkedIn’s relentless work towards enhancing its ads platform, LinkedIn Acquires Drawbridge. Drawbridge is a data analytics company, through which LinkedIn looks to utilize Drawbridge’s advanced personalization AI, and further refine LinkedIn’s targeting capacity.

LinkedIn Acquires Drawbridge, What Does it Stand to Gain?

As LinkedIn Acquires Drawbridge, it looks for various benefits. With advanced machine learning on 100 billion edges, Drawbridge gives their clients the ability to perform advanced queries and construct identities with higher fidelity than ever.

Their industry-leading technology sets their graph apart and empowers clients to see people as people, not just a set of links.

Drawbridge will be integrating the A.I. technology into LinkedIn’s systems over the coming months, resulting in a broader set of targeting and data options being made available to LinkedIn marketers.

Drawbridge already works with IBM, Adobe and Salesforce, among others. This shows that the technology they offer is credible and efficient.

As LinkedIn explains in their announcement “As our business continues to gain momentum, we recognize the importance of continuously investing in our technology and products so that we can continue to innovate and deliver solutions that grow with our customers and drive greater ROI. All the while, we keep member privacy, data security and trust as core to guiding our development principles.”

“As part of our continued investment in our technology platform, today we are announcing that we have entered into an agreement to acquire Drawbridge, Inc. We believe Drawbridge’s team and technology will allow us to accelerate the capabilities of our Marketing Solutions platform. Helping our customers better reach and understand their professional audiences and measure the ROI of their campaigns across mobile and desktop. As we integrate Drawbridge’s technology into LinkedIn following the closing of the transaction, we will continue to maintain the strong controls our members and customers have over the data they choose to share with us.”

This acquisition will definitely help LinkedIn’s ad system provide even more accurate, viable audience matches. This whould see improvements in LinkedIn ad performance, Through Drawbridge’s advanced machine learning tools.

  • Acquisition Machine

  • Data Management

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