Digital Marketing News

WHO ‘Health Alert’ Bot From Messenger to Provide Information About the COVID-19 Pandemic

Amid the ongoing events and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, every social media platform has been taking actions to prevent the spread of misleading information so people won’t panic about it. Facebook has been doing a lot of efforts to lessen the spread of misinformation as well as helping people who are remote workers or studying online, as we can see Facebook, is doing a massive effort should not be neglected!

WHO’s COVID-19 Messenger Chatbot ” Health Alert Bot”

For the importance of accurate news, Facebook has associated with the World Health Organization to launch a Chatbot on Messenger that provides timely and trusted information about the COVID-19 pandemic. This COVID-19 Messenger chatbot can either be accessed through the WHO Facebook Page or Messenger link; that makes it easier for Messenger users who want to be updated about the COVID-19 news.

Facebook is making sure to make all of its social media platforms work towards providing the accurate information amid the COVID-19 outbreak, as it is essentially the same tool WhatsApp launched with the World Health Organization last month; it is being used to provide data to government agencies to distribute key updates about the outbreak. Facebook mentioned that 12 million people have already used the WhatsApp WHO Chatbot.

“The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched an interactive experience on Messenger, with support from Sprinklr, to help provide accurate and timely information on the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO will be leveraging Messenger’s reach to more than 1.3 billion monthly active users who will now be able to ask questions and get quick answers from the WHO’s “Health Alert” interactive service on Messenger, which is free to use.” Messenger said.

Adding this Chatbot is a great move as the messaging volume has increased by more than 50% even in some of the hardest-hit regions. Messaging applications are the key to communication in many remote areas and adding new tools to facilitate spreading accurate information about the outbreak plays a key role in controlling the ongoing events because people will get the information from a trusted source and that prevents spreading rumors and inaccurate information.

  • Chatbots

  • COVID-19

  • Facebook Messenger

  • WhatsApp

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