Digital Marketing Statistics & Metrics

The Social Media Path of Online Purchasing Journey, 2019

Social Media Insights | Global

Social commerce is seen to have the potential to be a major revenue generator and an important method to diversify revenue streams beyond advertising by allowing consumers to carry out a range of commerce activities from booking taxis to paying for restaurant bills or items in-store. Social commerce has been a tough sell in many markets. Online consumer habits can be difficult to change, especially when it comes to the potentially sensitive information involved in financial transactions, enabling consumers to finalize a purchase while remaining within social apps has been a goal for social platforms for some time now. Social Commerce is the marriage of a retailers products and the interaction of shoppers with the content. It comes in many forms, although the most common and adopted is online ratings and reviews, as the use of the internet has evolved, shoppers have increased their expectations of the retail interaction experience. It is no longer enough to have standard product descriptions with static text and standard descriptions. Shoppers want detailed product descriptions that include product specifications and information on how the product works.

Take a glance at the social media path of purchasing journey, 2019:

  • 43% of surveyed social media users reported that they are researching products online via social media.
  • 28% mentioned that they discover brands/products via social media advertising.
  • 25% of surveyed social media users said that they discover brands/products via recommendations on social media.
  • 22% of surveyed social media users indicated that posts with lots of likes would increase the like hood of purchasing a product online.
  • 12% of the global surveyed social media users said that the buy button would increase the like hood of purchasing a product online.
The Social Path to purchase 2019

A Figure Shows The Social Media Path of the Purchasing Journey, 2019.


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GlobalWebIndex is a leading market research company headquartered in London that provides digital consumer insights across 44 countries to the world's largest brands, marketing agencies and media organizations. Maintaining a global panel of more than 22 million connected consumers which leverage to create 25,000 data points to profile internet users around the world. Providing a combination of survey and analytics data. Since launching in 2009, GlobalWebIndex has become one of the UK’s fastest-growing data technology companies.

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