Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual. Different pieces of information, which collected together can lead to the identification of a particular person, also constitute personal data. Sharing of personal data is not an automatic assumption and people must have a clear purpose for sharing this personal data e.g. achieving an objective that can only be achieved by sharing this personal information. No doubt that the protection of personal data and respect for private life are important fundamental rights.
Take a glance at the top reasons for giving an organization access to personal data, 2019:
- If I am informed clearly about the particular risks I’m exposed to is ranked as the main reason for giving organizations access to one’s personal data with a rate of 49%.
- If the services or products exactly match my needs is ranked as the second motivation reason for giving access to personal data with a rate of 42%.
- If it allows particular aspects of my personal situation and needs to be acknowledged and taken into account come at next as a reason for sharing personal data with companies with a rate of 30%.
- If it allows me to access or navigate its website/app faster in the future also listed as a motivation factor for giving access for personal data with a rate of 21%.
A Figure Shows The Top Reasons for Giving an Organization Access to Personal Data, 2019.