Nowadays, you can look up anything, literally anything you want or need from the comfort of your home whether you’re using your mobile phone or your laptop and this is through search engines.
That powerful software helped us all to find the information we need and look for using only phrases or keywords.
So, let’s get to know some popular search engines all around the world, starting with Russia.
The most used search engine in Russia since 1997 is Yandex. But since the Google search engine entered the Russian market in 2006, then Yandex became the second most popular Russian search engine in 2017.
Talking about Yandex, it was the leading search engine in Russia from January to March 2022, having accounted for almost 61% of total user visits over that period.
On the other hand, the second most-visited search engine in the country was Google, whose share of visits decreased from the previous quarter.
In 2022 Google search engine is ranked as the most popular search engine in Russia with a rate of 74.65%%, compared to Yandex ranked as the second most popular search engine in Russia with a rate of 13.23%%. These 2 giants are followed very far by Bing search engine with a rate of 0.15%, DuckDuckGo with a rate of 0.12%.
Shown in the chart below is a chart for the Russian search engine list in 2022:
In April 2019, Russian internet users are almost completely divided between two search engines which are Google and Yandex. These 2 search engine giants still have the biggest slice of the market cake, according to the Russian company Liveinternet. And in the third place, there is the Mail.Ru search engine who is fighting to stand against by developing its own search algorithm.
You can also take a look back at the main search engines in Russia back in 2019:
A Pie Chart Shows the Top Russian Search Engines in 2019
Aside from talking about the most popular search engine in Russia, in 2022, one of the most accurate keywords research tools for marketing is KW Finder, many case studies have proven this using it, and here’s a little bit you need to know about KW Finder: