An email list is a collection of email addresses that a business can create by engaging with potential customers through lead-generating campaigns. Email lists can shrink as members opt out of email subscriptions and grow as the business solicits contact information from website visitors. In fact, consumers are most likely to sign up for email lists from retail sites or deal aggregators. Aside from deals and promotions, consumers want to receive emails from brands regarding their account activity, such as shipment updates and account alerts.
Take a glance at the most marketing email lists that online consumers are signed up for:
A Graph Shows The Kinds of Marketing E-mail Lists That Online Consumers Are Signed Up For.
Fluent (NASDAQ:FLNT) is the trusted acquisition partner for both established and growing brands. Leveraging their proprietary first-party data asset, Fluent creates marketing programs that deliver better digital advertising experiences for consumers and measurable results for advertisers. Fluent was founded in 2010, the company is headquartered in New York City.