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Females Prefer Using Social Media to Find News Than Males in 2016 | Reuters Institute

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Females are much more likely than males to use social media to find news with a rate of 38%, while males rate are 29%. On the other side, females are less likely to go directly to a website or app but males are the opposite by rate reached 42% to 34% females.
women are much more likely to use social media to find news -Reuters

Reuters Institute

Established in autumn 2006 and based at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford, the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism is dedicated to exploring the future of journalism worldwide through debate, engagement, and research.The RISJ hosts journalists from all over the world, connects them with professional peers and leading academics from a wide range of different fields and facilitates the exchange of ideas by taking part in public debates, by hosting conversations, and by publishing new and interesting work.

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