Facebook & Google apps are the fastest growing apps. The latest news showed that the Facebook acquisitions reached 70 company, while Google (Alphabet Inc.) owns over than 200 company. These huge 2 empires own 8 of 10 most used apps in the US.
The Facebook attends by 3 apps: Facebook app at the top with a rate of 81%, followed by FB Messenger app with a rate of 68%, and Instagram with a rate of 50%. Google apps attend by 5 apps: YouTube in the second top place of the top list with a rate of 71%, followed by Google search app & Google maps with a rate of 61% & 57% respectively and Google play & Gmail with a rate of 47% & 44% respectively.
Google apps attend by 5 apps: YouTub in the second top place of the top list with a rate of 71%, followed by Google search app (61%), Google maps (57%), Google Play (47%), and then Gmail (44%).
The Snapchat took the same rate as the Instagram (50%) and it worth to say that Google is trying hard to buy it to merge it to its empire.